Wow. Gutting. I’m so happy you’re offering this class.

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You pulled me in with "mother wound" from the start as I read Rica Ramos' NOBODY'S DAUGHTER a memoir about healing hers. The mother wound takes so many forms. The writing made me feel the weight of yours.

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I wish I had words but I don’t so - thank you?!!?!? This is everything and more?!!?!? Fuck!!!! I am unbelievably grateful and gobsmacked at the privilege of reading this right now. Sending you so much love and also like. - idk. Manifesting everything u want. In life and in ur work. Oh my god. It will be a while before I can attend a class due to my own stuff wrt writing - (chronically disabled and unemployed as fuck thanks to illegal shit being normal) and so I’m extra fuckiNG shocked and grateful by your generosity cos u have no idea how much I am able to soak in thru this that is healing in ways that I can’t currently do that I’d want to via any form of writing (the dream being your class)- so I’m sorry for that!!!!!!!!! And also thank you - like I can’t say this enough - oh god. Eek. And there’s MORE TO READ HERE?!!!!?????? THANK . YOU. Xxxxxxxx

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